Benchmarking Services
You can’t manage what you don’t measure! Benchmarking energy and water use is a critical tool for managing sustainable and resilient buildings. Whether you need to comply with a city ordinance or financing requirement, are interested in comparing the performance of buildings across your portfolio, or trying to achieve sustainability goals, we are here to help.
Why benchmark your buildings?
Compare energy and water performance year-to-year, within a portfolio or nationally
Identify utility usage outliers
Set investment priorities
Verify and track energy and water savings
Generate performance reports
Get a 1-100 ENERGY STAR® score
Support sustainability goals
Comply with municipal benchmarking ordinances
Participate in the Better Buildings Challenge & ENERGY STAR® programs and certifications
Be recognized!
Get Started
Whatever your goal is, we can help. Please fill the form below or Contact us at to learn more.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR® certification is a nationally recognized designation that puts your building in the top tier of energy efficient buildings. ENERGY STAR® certification can help your building secure more competitive financing terms, communicate your sustainability values to your tenants, and place your property among a selective national grouping of the highest performing buildings across the country. Elaton Energy’s efficiency experts are here to help from the start of the process—setting up your ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® profile—through to the end with our in-house licensed professionals to validate your application.
Ordinance or Financing Compliance
Elaton Energy will:
Clarify whether your building is required to comply
If applicable, request an exemption on your behalf
Gather building use characteristics
Gather whole-building gas and electric energy use from utilities
Set up and complete an ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® building account
Have our certified energy professionals verify the completed ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® building account
Submit your building to the municipal or financing entity before the compliance deadline
Summarize the results of your building’s performance
Portfolio-Wide Benchmarking and Achieving Sustainability Goals
Elaton Energy has years of experience analyzing energy and water use across thousands of buildings throughout the region. We believe that monitoring utility use and cost gives you the right tools to manage and track your energy and water usage in order to optimize your operating budget. We can help you choose the right tracking platform, set up your building profiles, and train your staff.